

Why read Atlas of Social Complexity

Why read the Atlas of Social Complexity?


We wrote the book to help pave the way for the next generation of research in the study of social complexity -- from cognitive neuroscience and urban planning to the arts and philosophy.


As a quick summary, the Atlas of Social Complexity charts the future of the field, focusing on the avenues of research with the greatest promise for advancing social complexity as a truly disruptive, transdisciplinary science. Together, these advances, organised around six transdisciplinary themes and twenty-four topics, constitute the social science turn in complexity. The first theme sets the agenda for the tour, exploring the thirteen challenges presently facing the field – from overvaluing computational modelling to ignoring social science – and the social complexity imagination necessary to address them. The tour then takes off, surveying twenty-four research areas – from immune system cognition to network theories of psychopathology to resilience and configurational social science to complex realism – thematically organised around: cognition, emotion and consciousness; the dynamics of human psychology; living in social systems; advancing a new methods agenda; and the creative value of unfinished spaces. The tour ends encouraging readers to use the Atlas maps to chart their own travels into new territory.



CLICK HERE for a free sample copy of the opening chapter of the book.


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CLICK HERE to see where around the world we are presenting on the book.

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