

A new book on Brian Castellani's Art Retrospective 1988 - 2018 published by Blurb

I am happy to report that, in addition to publishing the Atlas of Social Complexity this year, I also published a retrospective of my art from 1988 to 2018, care of my company, the
Art & Science Factory, LLC.

I published it with Blurb, which is a brilliant self-publishing company for artists. My wife, Maggie, who is a librarian and was Head of Cataloging at the Cleveland Art Museum recommended it to me, as many artists and galleries use it for publishing exhibition atalogues.  

If you are not familiar with it, I recommend checking it out. 



BRIAN CASTELLANI Art Retrospective 1988-2018.

My retrospective covers the years from when i formally started doing art in 1988 until 2018 when I moved to the UK and, with the move, decided to explore new areas of art.

This retrospective revolves around five artistic themes: assemblage, portraits, drawing, abstract painting and my OneBigMob comic universe. 

I created three version of the retrospective, at different price points. 

1. The large landscape book (£91) is on premium archival paper, meant to last 200 years. It is for posterity and for those who really want the best version of my art. (13×11 in, 33×28 cm.)

2. The standard landscape book (£58) is also landscape on premium archival paper but slightly smaller and cheaper. (Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm.)

3. The third small book (£29) is for those who are interested in my work but do not want to spend a lot of money to do so.  (7×7 in, 18×18 cm.)

4. A PDF copy of the large landscape book (£3.39) for those who might be interested in the work and want to see it in a bit more detail.


CLICK HERE to see the retrospective in my online gallery.

CLICK HERE to explore more of my art.

CLICK HERE if you want to see some of the new stuff I am doing. 



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