

Complexity Science Geek T-Shirts

Hello fellow complexity science geeks.

You have got to check out the complexity science t-shirts I put on Cafe Press. In the vernacular of the 1970s, "they totally rock!" Take a look. Also, if you have a t-shirt idea you would like me to make, post a comment. Or, just post a comment on what you think of the t-shirts.


Programs in Complexity Science, Network Analysis or Agent-Based Modeling

I am trying to put together a comprehensive list of the degree programs students can complete to earn a degree is complexity science, agent-based modeling or network analysis. Please, please, please post any program--undergrad, masters, doctorate or certificate--of which you know.

In the fall (2008) we attended the ICAM seminar at the Center for the Study of Complex Systems, at Univ of Michigan. We heard a great presentation and got to talk with John Holland. very cool! He is absolutely brilliant. And, as of this year, an octogenarian.At the seminar we presented our new paper "Addressing the U.S. Financial/Housing Crisis: Pareto, Schelling and Social Mobility." click on the paper to run or download the agent-based model we used in it.
For those into complexity science, one of my personal favorite sites is BarabasiLab. It is run by the world-renown network scholar, Albert-Lazlo Barabasi. You have to check out the amazing network images he has posted!


I have been looking at the grants at the National Science Foundation (specifically, in the social and economic sciences section) and was amazed at the number of funding opportunities for work in computational thinking, complex systems thinking and building virtual environments. has anyone seen other funding organizations interested in these types of grants? i was really impressed. complexity science seems to have made major inroads into science


A question I have been thinking a lot about lately, given the upcoming sociocybernetics conference in Urbino Italy, is: what is the link between e-science, web science and complexity science? There seems to be tremendous overlap. Scholars like Barry Wellman and Barabasi do web science, but are complexity scholars. Manuel Castells is a sociologists who studies global network society, but a major part of his work is web science. And, all of the tools of complexity science are e-science, computational thinking tools. this seems to be a worthy paper or at least blog discussion. Any ideas?


Welcome to the Sociology and Complexity Science blog, or SACS blog for short. Here we will be posting all things related to the intersection of sociology and complexity science, as well as the related areas of e-science and web science. A specific focus of the blog is the application of SACS to the study of health and health care.