COMPLEX-IT: Software for Modelling Complex Multiple COVID-19 Trends
Recently my colleagues Peter Barbrook-Johnson and Corey Schimpf did a webinar for the Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus (CECAN) on how to use our modelling software, COMPLEX-IT, for exploring complex multiple regonal trends of the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 cases across a given period of time.
We are sharing the webinar here for those interested in seeing how this software can be used to help with understanding the spread fo COVID-19 in a way that is in line with the previous five blog posts I've done on how best to approach modelling these types of public health problems.
For those interested in exploring COMPLEX-IT, our website has an beta online and downloadable version, as well as tutorials and readings. Note: this is educational software for learning purposes only. To explore COMPLEX-IT CLICK HERE!